My friend and talented classmate Natan ( collaborated on a layout project together. It's a shot test -using the research we've been doing on a specific time period . In earlier posts I put up some character designs and prop design. It's also the end of the year and It feels like when you play Zelda and you get to the final boss -you finally get to use all of the weapons you gathered throughout the game together and beat the shit out of Ganondorf. We finally got to use the stuff we've been hearing about all year. The song in the video is Woodkid's "Iron" the actual video is ridiculously EPIC look it up it's dope. Enjoy. -GG
*My version *EDIT: Ahaha the talented Benjamin Anders drew a slightly older version of us-don't normally post other artists work but this is too good.
A combination of watching too many "Mighty B" episodes & procrastinating...I drew these on Monday night after a conversation I had earlier over dinner about what we were like when we were kids-Good times.Enjoy -GG
First animation I've uploaded haha. This was my first time animating in flash wish I spent more time on it. It was fun I might color it If I get a minute. This is my character Zee and the sound bite is from Dave Chapelle's stand-up -Now I can't imagine this character with anyone elses voice.Also sorry for the 3secods of nothing at the end. Critiques are welcome.Enjoy -GG