Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bird Brained

This is Mr.Davis. He lost his mind a long time ago...Been having too much fun with cs5 lately lol .Critiques welcome. Enjoy.


  1. Is this the Cintiq?? Loos like you've upgraded. looks great bro1

  2. Thanks,Yea it is!! been trying to cram in peronal work as much as I can its so fun

  3. haha this is nice man! brought a smile to my face! how's CS5 anyways! I'm still using cs3...keep it real! lol

  4. Haha! I'm glad man, thanks!
    Cs5 is dope. Some people don't like it but I ddnt really use any of the previous ones so i'm learning with cs5.dnt hav any of the older ones to compare it to :S

  5. haha it's all good man! yeah i'm old school I remember when I was using photoshop 5 or 6 without the "CS"!?!?! lol please don't ask how old I am my friend ;)

  6. Hhhaha this is awesome! Great idea man
